Selling Process and procedures

  • Identifying the potential buyer for the asset with the utmost discretion
  • Provide the confidentiality agreement and confidential control of the process
  • Signature of the commission agreement with Fan Worldwide
  • Introduction of the buyer to the seller, executive summary, and financial report of the buyer to the seller
  • Intermediate in obtaining a “Letter of Intent” and a bank comfort letter from the buyer to the seller
  • Preparation of the Hotel Information Memorandum presentation to the buyer
  • Negotiations of price, terms and conditions negotiation until the conclusion of the deal
  • Reporting to the seller regarding the buyer’s intentions and activities during the selling process
  • Drafting and liaising with the seller/buyer to take into account their instructions of the MOU / Head of Terms/ compromiso de ventas in cooperation with local lawyers and in their respective languages as the company’s sales of shares are subjected to local transactions laws
  • Constant liaison with the seller for reporting and taking instructions
  • Follow up on the deal during the exclusivity period and due diligence to keep the deal on track until the signature of SPA and exchange of payment of the share
  • Pre-empting any deal breaker in suggesting creative lateral plans and negotiating its acceptance by the buyer/seller of any roadblocks problem that may arise when lawyers are at lock heads

Contact Us 
Tel: + 33 (0).

Transactions sur immeubles et fonds de commerce

Attestation de Garantie Galian : N°C 91036730 Attestation d’assurance MMA : 120 137 405

Rcs B 409 560 836 Carte / Professionnelle No CPI 7501 2019 000 040 994

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