Fan Worldwide will supply to you certain information (« confidential information ») concerning the above mentioned property on condition that you undertake to maintain the confidentiality of this material. all information, which is supplied to you, will be confidential information.
Fan Worldwide or the Seller make any warranty or representation as to the reliability or completeness of the confidential information and no legal liability is assumed or to be implied in respect thereof. The confidential information is intended solely for your own limited use in considering whether to pursue negotiations to acquire the above mentioned property; it does not purport to be all inclusive or to contain all the information which a prospective purchaser may require.
In consideration of the supply of confidential information to you, you hereby undertake by countersigning this letter to:-
You will ensure that any of the above parties will observe the same restrictions on the use of confidential information as are contained in this undertaking.
You also agree and undertake that neither you nor any of your officers or employees or professional advisers will make any approach to our client, the staff or customers or the above - mentioned property without our prior knowledge and authority.
This undertaking is governed by and shall be construed in all respects in accordance with French Law. Your counter - signature to this letter constitutes your acceptance to all of the above agreements and undertakings.
Contact Us
Tel: + 33 (0).
Transactions sur immeubles et fonds de commerce
Attestation de Garantie Galian : N°C 91036730 Attestation d’assurance MMA : 120 137 405
Rcs B 409 560 836 Carte / Professionnelle No CPI 7501 2019 000 040 994
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